The year of 2019: A Time of Innovation, Patience
04/29/2019Naturally, the tech sector has also greatly influenced the office enviorment, particularly creative office space. After all, the creative minds behind all the new technologies have to find inspiration somewhere throughout their workday. This has been particularly prevalent, Dwayer asserts, in Southern California regions like Orange County where businesses often require 150 square feet to 200 square feet per person, but the local parking requirements still sit at one parking spot per 250 square feet per person.
“Southern California’s limited public transportation also limits our ability to downsize a client’s office space,” she says. “Businesses belive in the ‘looks great, works great’ mentality. The demand for workplace optimization has unleased the creativity of many professionals and is challenging them to consider how to deliver inspiring places that go beyond the 6 x 6 workstations in the New Year.”
Any trends or regulations affecting the tech or creative fields are particularly poignant on the West Coast which boasts some of the nation’s largest tech hubs, inlcuding Seattle, San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles’ Silicon Beach, which has grown significatly over the past few years.
“Tech jobs are driving much of the growth in the U.S. job market, particularly in emerging hubs like West LA’s Silicon beach,” Cho notes. “Silicon Beach is home to a thriving tech economy with more than 500 tech and startup companies, including heavy hitters like Hulu, Headspace, ChowNow and YouTube. Google’s growing presence in Silicon Beach will bring more than 3,000 employees to it’s hangar in Playa Vista in early 2019.”
Article printed from Western Real Estate Business’s 2019 Outlook. printed December 2018, Page 29-30
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